Healthy Eating Habits More Effective than Diet

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Healthy Eating Habits More Effective than Diet
           "Not reading labels and counting calories, you might just have to try to focus on eating habits," says Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.
Research shows that poor eating habits can be ingrained and a lot of people who often do not realize they're doing it, and this could be a big problem when it comes to the habit of snacking on unhealthy food.
In fact, when fond of snacking seemed to have become "nature" your brain will get used, according to Wansink. Thus, according to him, the key to cut the bad eating habits is to create good eating habits.
Prepare fruit near AndaCukup have a bowl of fruit every day at your desk. Get rid of bad snacks and replace them with fruit. That will take you to eat more fruits, about 70 percent more fruit every day, says Wansink.
With a similar approach, which is conducted in more than 29,000 schools in the United States, effectively changing the way food students.
Provide a bowl of fruit on your desk or pantry, can make a person consuming 104 percent more fruit. And we found that simply changing the label on vegetables crisp-write it as a carrot rather than the carrot-capable of making 30 percent of children prefer the carrot, said Wansink.

Conditions sukseskan dietAnda kitchen can also make a big difference in your own kitchen. The findings suggest that a messy kitchen can cause a person to eat about 40 percent more light snack than when they were in the kitchen clean.
The same principle can work for food portions, through a research, Wansink found that simply using smaller plates can reduce the meal as much as 22 percent. So, bring the smaller plates and bowls in your kitchen.

successful diet because of the environment, not just a bad habit kemauanMengubah must begin by changing your environment, not merely a whim. Therefore, willpower will not last long. That's why diet is not effective.
"Diet is only effective for a certain time, and then you fall back into old habits. So, what we recommend is to change behavior, change your lifestyle, change the environment, said John Brand, a researcher at Cornell University Food and Brand Lab.


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