Control The Increase In Body Weight Of Time Pregnant Can Help Avoid Makrosomia

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Control The Increase In Body Weight Of Time Pregnant Can Help Avoid Makrosomia


Jakarta, a heavy pregnant body too excess need standby due to the very large babies. Therefore starting from the time of planning a pregnant, need to control the increase in the weight of his body. Aopalagi when the mother has diabetes story. For mothers who have excess body weight too to protect health, lose BB so ideal before taking the decision to get pregnant, the suggestion of dr M Nurhadi Rahman, SpOG, in talks with detikHealth as well as written on Monday (26/10/2015). Also recommended for mothers who are in while pregnant to diligent-diligently checked her pregnancy with regular way. The intent is so that when it takes a few unsolicited reply be selekasnya diakukan. Read also: baby Makrosomia Must be born with Caesar? For mothers who plan to get pregnant, first add good checked himself into the HOSPITAL. Checking if you have pain that can lead to the occurrence of makrosomia, such as childhood obesity, diabetes mellitus, or if you do not do not forget to saw do you have a story of diabetes in the family, said that having a Twitter account @adirahmanog. Contacted separately, dr Yassin Yanuar MIB, SpOG, MSc, Pondok Indah Hospital of convey should also previously pregnant some women know the aspects of risk makrosomia. Genetic aspects, such as the high weight of the parents also may have been played in ensuring birth weight newborns. So when his parents are great, there are chances of babies who are born too big. Another risk aspect i.e. diabetes yg is not monitored, obesity in the mother, as well as the increase in body weight of the mother too. Another risk aspect, namely there is an intermittent hyperglycemia, there is the story of the makrosomia, the multiparitas, as well as other causes are not in the know. Read also: this risk might be Facing babies born with Weight Accumulating more 4 Kg (vit/vit)


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