Are Side Effects After Facial Iron Care?

Are Side Effects After Facial Iron Care?


Face lift or plastic surgery procedure withdrawal of facial skin of many women selected to restore skin elasticity and firmness. But there are other ways that can be done without having to perform surgery, namely by undergoing face ironing procedure. Facial treatment called radiofrequency (RF) it works by heating the face to the inner layer to stimulate the collagen growth so the skin can become firmer. So, are there any side effects caused by the treatment? Phery Cen, the side effects caused by doing the facial iron are almost nonexistent. Because the treatment is non invasive and not taking drugs.


There are no drugs and chemicals to drink because it only rely on radio frequency so it is very safe to use, said the doctor 40 years when contacted Wolipop, Thursday (3/3/2016). He continued, however there is a reddish skin reaction caused during the procedure face iron. But it will gradually disappear by itself. So what about the condition of a sensitive face or acne? Doctors graduated from Atma Jaya University Jakarta is explaining, skin reactions reddish on the face will last longer, but no harmful side effects. If for acne is not recommended, the patient will usually focus on getting rid of acne first. If the age of 30 years or 40 annual new focus they tighten the face, he said lagi.Sedangkan for those who have very sagging skin, facial iron work can not be done in just one or two treatments. Ideally, face iron can last up to six months to a year after treatment. (itn / itn)



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